
57 gwynn y byt, freuer, mor yw diheint heno,
gwedy colli kenueint.
o anffawt vyn tauawt yt [l]lesseint.
Blessed is Ffreuer; how painful it is tonight,
after the loss of family.
Because of the misfortune of my tongue they have been slain.
58 gwynn y byt, freuer, mor yw gwann heno,
gwedy agheu eluan,
ac eryr kyndrwyn, kyndylan.
Blessed is Ffreuer; how sad it is tonight,
after the death of Elfan,
and the eagle of the Cyndrwynin, Cynddylan.
59 nyt angheu ffreuer a知 de heno.
am damorth brodyrde,
duhunaf wylaf uore.
It is not the death of Ffreuer which torments me tonight.
Because of the slaughter of my valiant brothers,
I wake, I weep at morning.
60 nyt angheu ffreuer a知 gwna heint,
o dechreu nos hyt deweint,
duhunaf wylaf bylgeint.
It is not the death of Ffreuer which causes me grief,
from the beginning of night till the dead of night,
I wake, I weep at daybreak.
61 nyt angheu ffreuer a知 gwna heint,
a知 gwna grudyeu melyn,
a choch<en> dagreu dros erchwyn.
It is not the death of Ffreuer which causes me grief,
and causes me to have yellow cheeks,
and shed tears of blood over the bedside.
62 nyt angheu ffreuer a erniwaf heno,
namyn my hun yn wan glaf,
vym brodyr a知 tymyr a gwynaf.
It is not the death of Ffreuer which I grieve for tonight.
but rather for myself, weak and ill,
I mourn for my brothers and my land.
63 ffreuer wenn, brodyr a稚h uaeth;
ny hanoedynt o池 diffaeth,
wyr ny uegynt vygylyaeth.
Ffreuer the Fair, brothers nurtured you;
they did not spring from among the wicked,
warriors who did not nurse fear.
64 ffreuer wenn, brodyr a稚h uu;
pann glywynt gywrenin llu,
ny echyuydei ffyd ganthu.
Ffreuer the Fair, you had brothers;
when they heard of a powerful host,
faith did not leave them.
65 mi a ffreuer a medlan,
kyt ytuo cat ym pob mann,
ny地 tawr; ny ladawr an rann.
Myself and Ffreuer and Meddlan,
though there might be battle everywhere,
it does not worry us: our side will not be killed.